
YuLu He is an aspiring student with early experience in the creative industry, who is currently based in Toronto, Ontario, and grew up in China. She has international experience being involved in casting, shooting, editing and writing script for short films. Areas such as oil painting, illustration, animation, and media art are some of her specialties. Her goal is to work in post-production and became a video editor in the industry.

Artist Statement

I like to explore colour in my subject matter, and I am preparing to shoot another short video by using colour as the theme. Maybe part of the reason why I like colour so much is that my earlier experience with oil painting. However, when it comes to the narrative theme,   most of my story talks about self-struggle, in the other words, self-confliction.

Nietzsche said,   “If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you.” I think that’s what I am trying to explore in the art world. Normally in my story,  there is no villain because the main character is going to find that the strongest villain is themselves, so some of their choices, in the end, may lead them to self-destruction, or self-awakening. For me, I believed that my characters are alive,  have their own thoughts and behaviour in the story, and all the plots just follow their own choices.

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